Xenopus-posterior (Xpo) is a gene that is activated at or shortly after the midblastula transition (MBT). The RNA accumulates to a relatively low level, which remains constant until gastrulation, then rapidly and transiently increases in posterior ectoderm and mesoderm. A single copy of a putative finger motif, of the ‘CCHC’ type, is located near the carboxyl terminus. One or two copies of similar sequence motifs are found in the nucleocapsid protein of retroviruses where they are involved in protein-RNA interactions, and in cellular nucleic acid binding protein (CNBP), a protein that binds to the sterol regulatory element. Xpo expression is induced in ectodermal expiants by treatment with basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) and with polypeptide growth factors found in medium conditioned by the Xenopus XTC cell line (XTC-CM). Taken together, these properties suggest a possible role for Xpo in the organization of the anteroposterior axis during development.