Development in the chick hindbrain is founded on a segmented pattern. Groups of cells are allocated to particular segmental levels early in development, the cells of each segment (rhombomere) mixing freely with each other, but not with those of adjacent segments. After rhombomere formation, cells in the boundary regions become increasingly specialised. Rhombomeres are thus separate territories that will ultimately pursue different developmental fates. We are investigating the mechanisms that establish and maintain the pattern of rhombomeres and their boundaries. Donor-to-host transplantation experiments were used to confront tissue from different axial levels within the hindbrain. The frequency of boundary regeneration and patterning in the hindbrain was then assessed, based on gross morphology, arrangement of motor neurons and immunohistochemistry. We found that when rhombomeres from adjacent positions or positions three rhombomeres distant from one another were confronted, a normal boundary was invariably reconstructed. Juxtaposition of rhombomere 5 with 7 also yielded a new boundary. By contrast, donor and host tissue of the same positional origin combined without forming a boundary. The same result was obtained in combinations of rhombomeres 3 and 5. Confrontation of tissue from even-numbered rhombomeres 4 with 6 or 2 with 4 also failed to regenerate a boundary in the majority of cases. These results suggest that cell surface properties vary according to rhombomeric level in the hindbrain, and may support the idea of a two-segment periodicity.

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