Using a recombinant product from the structurally abnormal Y chromosome, Y*, female mice with a single X of either maternal or paternal origin were generated. The two types of females were produced on the same genetic background and differ only in the origin of the X chromosome. Hence it has been possible to assess the effect of parental origin of the X on survival of females with a single X chromosome. A highly significant prenatal loss of females with a single X of paternal origin, but no comparable loss of females with a single X of maternal origin was observed. The reduced viability of females with a paternally derived X could be mediated by the parental origin of the X (i.e. X chromosome imprinting) or alternatively, since the mothers of females with a single paternally derived X have only a single X chromosome, the effect could be mediated by the genotype of the mother (l.e. maternal uterine effect).

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