Mutant iv/iv mice develop as if they have no sense of left and right, so the development of asymmetry is random: half normal, half as a mirror-image of normal, situs inversus. We have made aggregation chimeras of 8-cell stage iv/iv and +/+ embryos, transferred them into pseudopregnant mice, and examined their phenotype on day 10 of gestation. The contribution of mutant and wild-type cells to tissues of the embryo was estimated by strain-specific isozyme (GPI-1) analysis. We have also performed reciprocal embryo transfers, iv/iv blastocysts into +/+ mice, and vice versa. These transfers show that the development of handed asymmetry is determined by embryonic genotype, and is unaffected by the maternal environment (at least after day 3), or by the procedures of embryo collection, culture and transfer. Our observations on the development of 21 viable chimeric embryos show that neither iv/iv nor +/+ cells are dominant. All embryos (12) with less than 50 % contribution of iv/iv cells to the heart developed with normal situs. Of 9 embryos with greater than 50 % iv/iv cells, only 2 developed with inverted situs. These findings suggests that there was partial ‘rescue’ of embryos by some influence of normal over mutant cells. However, we cannot, statistically, exclude an alternative interpretation that cells are behaving autonomously. Interestingly, the embryos that developed with inverted situs were unique in having greater than two thirds contribution of iv/iv cells to both the heart and the visceral yolk-sac.