In order to analyse the spinal tract formation at early stages of development in avian embryos, chick-quail spinal cord chimeras were prepared and species-specific monoclonal antibodies (MAb) were developed. MAbs CN, QN and CQN uniquely stained chick, quail, and both chick and quail nervous tissues, respectively. All three antibodies appeared to bind to the same membrane molecule, but to different epitopes. Cord reversal revealed the features of axonal growth of both cord interneurons and dorsal root ganglion cells. Quail cord interneurons grew along an originally ventral marginal layer in the quail cord transplanted in a reversed position, then turned toward the ventral side at the boundary between the graft and the host, and grew along the host chick ventral marginal layer. Central axons of dorsal root ganglia were restricted to the ventrolateral region of the cord which originally formed the dorsal funiculus. These results suggest that cord interneurons and dorsal root ganglion cells actively select to grow along specific regions of the cord and that spinal tract formation appears to be determined by cord cells, and not by sclerotome cells.

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