Chicken embryos of 9 days’ incubation have been parabiosed with partners of 12 days’ incubation and the effects on liver growth during the subsequent 4 days studied. Control 9- and 12-day embryos were parabiosed with partners of their own age.

The younger embryo parabiosed with an older partner was found to show a diminished growth of liver when body weight was standardized.

The mitotic index in liver parenchymal cells of the younger embryo para-biosed to the older was about half that of controls. The liver mitotic index in the older partner did not differ from controls.

Parabiosis per se does not appear to have any adverse effect on the mitotic activity of the liver.

The results have been discussed in terms of a blood-borne liver growth in-hibitor produced by the liver and acting by a feed-back mechanism, of the kind that has been postulated in the adult mammal.

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