The early development of interneurons in the chick embryo spinal cord was studied using a monoclonal antibody against a neuron-specific β-tubulin isoform. Early developing interneurons were divided into two cell groups on the basis of their location and the pattern of growth of their axons. One group is composed of cells that establish a primitive longitudinal pathway (PL-cells), whereas the other group contains cells constituting a circumferential pathway (C-cells). The onset of axonal development in both cell groups occurs at stage (st.) 15 (embryonic day, (E), 2) in the brachial segments, which is prior to axonogenesis of motoneurons. PL-cells develop in the region between the floor plate and the motoneuron nucleus. Their axons are the first neuronal processes (‘pioneer axons’) to arrive in the ventrolateral marginal zone and they project both rostrally and caudally to establish a primitive longitudinal association pathway at the ventrolateral surface of the neural tube. This pathway is formed before axons of C-cells arrive in the ventrolateral region. The first C-cells are initially located in the most dorsal portion of the neural tube, whereas later appearing C-cells are also located in both intermediate and ventral regions of the neural tube. The axons of C-cells project ventrally, without fasciculating, along the lateral border of the neural tube. Some of their axons enter the ipsilateral ventrolateral longitudinal pathway at st. 17. We often observed apparent contacts and interactions between preexisting axons of PL-cells and newly arriving axons of C-cells. The axons of commissural C-cells first enter the floor plate at st. 17 and cross the midline at st. 18. Axons of C cells begin to join the contralateral ventrolateral longitudinal pathway at st. 18+ to st. 19. In the floor plate region, contacts between growth cones and axons were often observed. However, axons in the floor plate at these stages were not fasciculated.
These observations establish the timing and pattern of growth of axons from two specific populations of early developing interneurons in the chick spinal cord. Additionally, we have identified an early and apparently previously undescribed ‘pioneer’ pathway that constitutes the first longitudinal pathway in the chick spinal cord.