All aspects of the mammalian male phenotype are due either directly or indirectly to Y-chromosome activity. This review summarizes what is known of the role of the Y in male germ cell differentiation in the mouse.
The initial diversion of germ cells to the male pathway in fetal life (that is the formation of amitotic T1-prospermatogonia rather than meiotic oocytes) is an indirect effect of the Y: the Y-chromosomal testisdetermining gene (Tdy) acts to create a testis and the testicular environment causes the germ cells to follow the male pathway. XX and XO germ cells can therefore form T1-prospermatogonia, but the extra X of XX prospermatogonia in some way causes their death perinatally.
The first direct effect of the Y in the germ line occurs at the initiation of the spermatogenic cycles (approx. 1 week after birth) when a Y-chromosomal gene (Spy) is needed for normal spermatogonial survival and progression to meiosis. Spy is present in the Y-derived Sxr fragment so XOSxr germ cells enter meiosis normally. An Sxr derivative, Sxr’, which has lost the capacity to produce H-Y antigen, has also lost the Spy function, raising the possibility that H-Y antigen is the mediator of Spy activity.
The Y is next required in the male germ line during meiotic prophase, when it provides a pairing partner for the X chromosome. If the X (or, indeed, the Y when present) remains unpaired, there are severe spermatogenic losses and the second meiotic division is frequently omitted, leading to the formation of diploid spermatids. Spermatogenesis in XOSxr males is affected in this way and the few sperm produced are morphologically abnormal. These sperm abnormalities could also be a consequence of the X univalence, but there is some evidence suggesting that there is another gene on the Y, lacking in Sxr, which is involved in sperm morphogenesis.