Charged cell constituents in polytrophic insect follicles are thought to be transported in the nurse celloocyte syncytium by way of electrophoresis. This concept, proposed by Woodruff & Telfer (1980) was based on electrophysiological data and microinjection of heterologous proteins using Hyalophora follicles. By microinjecting fluorescently labelled acidic and basic proteins into the nurse cells or oocyte of vitellogenic Drosophila follicles, we failed to obtain evidence for charge-dependent migration of these molecules. We have also analysed the proteins of nurse cells and oocyte on isoelectric focusing gels, by means of twodimensional gel electrophoresis, and by ion exchange chromatography to see if basic or acidic proteins accumulate in vivo in nurse cells and oocyte, respectively. For the bulk of the follicular proteins we found no accumulation. Further evidence against an electrophoretic transport system in Drosophila was obtained by estimating the intracellular pH from the colour of indicator dyes microinjected into the follicles; the results indicate that the pH in the nurse cell cytoplasm is lower than that in the ooplasm. According to the model developed for Hyalophora, electrophoretic transport would be favoured by high pH in the nurse cell cytoplasm.