Time-lapse video recordings were made of individual retinal ganglion cell fibres growing to and terminating in the optic tectum of Xenopus embryos. The fibres were stained by inserting a crystal of the lipophilic fluorescent dye, Dil, into the developing retina. Growth cones were observed in the optic tract and tectum using 20 ms flashes of light to induce fluorescence approximately once every minute. Fluorescent images were captured with a SIT camera, processed and saved on a time-lapse video recorder. The main conclusions from observing normal growing fibres are as follows. (1) Axons in the optic tract grow at a steady rate directly toward their targets without retracting or branching. (2) As axons approach the tectum they slow down and their growth cones become more complex. (3) Most terminal branches in the tectum are formed by back branching rather than by bifurcation of leading growth cones.

In a second experiment, labelled growing axons were separated from their cell bodies by removing the retina. Such isolated axons continued to grow for up to 3h in vivo and were capable of recognizing the tectum and arborizing there. This result shows that growth cones must contain the machinery needed to sense and respond to their specific pathways and targets.

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