The capacity for extension of the dorsal marginal zone (DMZ) in Pleurodeles waltl gastrulae was studied by scanning electron microscopy and grafting experiments. At the onset of gastrulation, the cells of the animal pole (AP) undergo important changes in shape and form a single layer. As gastrulation proceeds, the arrangement of cells also changes in the noninvoluted DMZ: radial intercalation leads to a single layer of cells. Grafting experiments involving either AP or DMZ explants were performed using a cell lineage tracer. When rotated 90° or 180°, grafted DMZ explants were able to involute normally and there was extension according to the animal–vegetal axis of the host. In contrast, neither single nor bilayered explants from AP involutes completely, and neither extends when grafted in place of the DMZ. Furthermore, when inside of the host, these AP grafts curl up and inhibit the closure of the blastopore. Once transplanted to the AP region, the DMZ showed no obvious autonomous extension. DMZs cultured in vitro showed little extension and this only from the late gastrula stage onward. Removal of blastocoel roof blocked involution to a varied extent, depending on the developmental stage of the embryos. From these results, it is argued that differences could well exist in the mechanism of gastrulation between anuran and urodele embryos. That migrating mesodermal cells play a major role in urodele gastrulation is discussed.

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