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Focus on neural development

Neural development begins in the embryo, with the differentiation of neural progenitors and their subsequent assembly into functional circuits. Recent technological advances, such as the advent of brain organoids, are improving our understanding of how the nervous system forms in humans. There is also a growing link between processes that occur during neural development and the risk of neurodegenerative disorders. From an evolutionary perspective, interspecies differences in neural development can drive functional innovations, such as the increased processing power of the primate neocortex.

This collection of review-type and research articles has been curated to complement the 2024 Gordon Research Conference on Neural Development in Lucca, Italy. The meeting is being chaired by our Editor Debra Silver, and our Reviews Editor Laura Hankins will also be present. We hope you find the collection interesting, and we welcome your own submissions for consideration by our expert Academic Editors from the field, including Debra, François Guillemot and Steve Wilson.

Special Collection Image
Alison T. DePew; Joseph J. Bruckner; Kate M. O'Connor-Giles; Timothy J. Mosca
John L. Rubenstein; Alex S. Nord; Marc Ekker
Chris Q. Doe; Stefan Thor
Sandeep Gupta; Eric Heinrichs; Bennett G. Novitch; Samantha J. Butler
Bridget Elaine LaMonica Ostrem; Nuria Domínguez-Iturza; Jeffrey A. Stogsdill; Tyler Faits; Kwanho Kim; Joshua Z. Levin; Paola Arlotta
Colette Dehay; Wieland B. Huttner
Carmel Hutchings; Yarden Nuriel; Daniel Lazar; Ayelet Kohl; Elizabeth Muir; Olga Genin; Yuval Cinnamon; Hadar Benyamini; Yuval Nevo; Dalit Sela-Donenfeld
Amber G. Cook; Taylor V. Bishop; Hannah R. Crowe; Daniel N. Stevens; Lauren Reine; Alexandra L. Joyner; Andrew K. Lawton
Viet-Hang Le; Clarisse Orniacki; Verónica Murcia-Belmonte; Laura Denti; Dagmar Schütz; Ralf Stumm; Christiana Ruhrberg; Lynda Erskine
Ingvild Lynneberg Glærum; Keagan Dunville; Kristian Moan; Maike Krause; Nicola Pietro Montaldo; Hinako Kirikae; Maximiliano Jose Nigro; Pål Sætrom; Barbara van Loon; Giulia Quattrocolo
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