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Keywords: Protein malnourishment
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Journal Articles
Biol Open (2022) 11 (3): bio058870.
Published: 9 March 2022
...Tiyasha Sarkar; Nisha Patro; Ishan Kumar Patro ABSTRACT Protein malnourishment and immune stress are potent perinatal stressors, encountered by children born under poor socioeconomic conditions. Thus, it is necessary to investigate how such stressors synergistically contribute towards developing...
Includes: Supplementary data
Journal Articles
Biol Open (2020) 9 (9): bio054130.
Published: 24 September 2020
...Tiyasha Sarkar; Nisha Patro; Ishan Kumar Patro ABSTRACT Perinatal protein malnourishment (LP) is a leading cause for mental and physical retardation in children from poor socioeconomic conditions. Such malnourished children are vulnerable to additional stressors that may synergistically act...
Includes: Supplementary data