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Summary: The discovery of a difference in brain size between adult mosquitofish living in the wild, in spatially enriched tanks and in bare tanks has implications for the effect of environmental enrichment on transferability of data from laboratory animals to their wild counterparts.

Summary: Inhibition of miR-29a can promote the proliferation and migration of skin fibroblast cells after thermal injury, and upregulate the production of COL1A2 and VEGF-A to further enhance the collagen synthesis and angiogenesis in skin and help burn wound healing in the later phase.

Summary: The preferred temperature of the intertidal temperate crab Hemigrapsus crenulatus was determined to be between 12°C and 25°C. Oceanic warming would trap this species between tropical and polar temperatures, causing increasing population stress with unknown ecological consequences.

Summary: Learning how Pk and Sple differentially interpret directional cues allows a broader understanding of the varied signals and mechanisms linking the core module to tissue axes in planar cell polarity.

Summary: We identify that the growth status of absorptive enterocyte cells in the Drosophila intestine controls the proliferation and differentiation of stem and progenitor cells, thereby controlling organ homeostasis.

Summary: In contrast to other insects the plant hopper Issus coleoptratus does not accumulate toxic saponins from ivy. I. coleoptratus can degrade the saponines by its salivary glands and its gut as shown by HPLC-MS.

Summary: Our results indicate the presence of three putative glucose transporters in elasmobranchs (GLUT1, 3, 4) and holocephalans (GLUT1, 2, 3). We determined that GLUT1 and GLUT4 mRNA levels change in various dogfish tissues in response to feeding.

Summary: We assessed the ability of dive characteristics in Australian fur seals to predict foraging behavior and success that were directly observed on video. TDR data was able to reliably predict presence of prey as well as total successful prey captured per dive.

Summary: Fuelling rate in migrating dunnocks, a predominantly diurnal migratory songbird is influenced by a manipulated magnetic field when the birds are magnetically displaced north, but not south, in autumn.

Summary: Local molecular coding under the influence of En1 is essential for proper spatiotemporal expression of key factors involved in the maintenance and function of the isthmic organizer.

Summary: Human and murine invasive osteosarcoma cancer cell lines, developed by selection in vivo from a less invasive parental line, show distinguishable differences in shape from the parental line that fall into two categories: more mesenchymal or more amoeboid.

Summary: We developed a novel adenoviral iPSC reprogramming vector integrating Yamanaka's four factors in a single cassette, allowing for the identification of biologically relevant co-expression networks.

Summary: In this study, we identified the transcription factors specifically expressed in developing neural crest cells, and showed that SOX10 and SOX9 directly converted fibroblasts into neural crest cells.

Summary: Outflow tract malalignment and multiple birth defects observed in the Prickle1 mutant may arise from cell polarity perturbation, which may involve disruptions in Wnt signaling and of cilia function.

Summary: The early emergence of dopaminergic neurons under reduced Notch signalling results from a change in the differentiation flux that defines the final number of neurons produced.

Summary: A common body plan for echinoderms, chordates and hemichordates resolves the apparent morphological disparity between the pentameral and the bilateral body plans of these major deuterostome phyla.

Summary: Here we genetically characterise mutations in tbx4 which underlie pelvic finless, a naturally occurring model of hindlimb loss in zebrafish that lacks pelvic fin structures.

Summary: Overexpression of miR-22 inhibits mGC apoptosis by targeting SIRT1, and knockdown of SIRT1 attenuated apoptosis in mGCs. Taken together, these findings provide an improved understanding of the molecular mechanisms of miR-22-mediated follicular development.

Summary: Mouse linker histone subtypes H1.1 and H1.5 bind to chromatin with different affinities due to a single amino acid polymorphism. Overexpression of H1.1 in fibroblasts accelerates cell cycle progression.

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