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Summary: Brown adipose tissue of banana bats foraging at wastewater treatment works contained lower saturated and higher mono- and polyunsaturated phospholipid fatty acids than that of bats foraging at reference sites.

Summary: BRE facilitates skeletal muscle regeneration by promoting satellite cell motility and differentiation, probably by protecting CXCR4 from degradation.

Summary: This study describes a systematic analysis of molecular end points in an murine model of allergic asthma. The biosignature described can be used to interrogate molecular mechanisms and intervention strategies for airway inflammation pertinent to allergic asthma that precedes and possibly potentiates airway remodeling and fibrosis.

Summary: In cell cultures that simulate Arabidopsis xylem differentiation, METACASPASE9 modulates the level of autophagy during programmed cell death to prevent ectopic death of the surrounding cells.

Summary: Conditional Cdc42 knockout revealed requirements for Cdc42 in endoderm polarity, and in thyroid apical constriction and morphogenesis. Shroom3 mutant embryos also displayed thyroid bud abnormalities, suggesting a possible functional interaction.

Summary: These data may be the first evidence for a nuclear function of an intermediate filament protein. In cardiac stem cells, desmin interacts with transcription factor complexes influencing Nkx 2.5 transcription.

Summary: A substantially inhomogeneous distribution of micro algae was developed in suspension with a bubble plume. A vortical ring and vertical layers of cells were observed when the cells displayed phototaxis and motility.

Summary: This study demonstrates that the sea anemone Nematostella exhibits a daily cycle in respiration rate that is not driven by the previously described nocturnal increase in movement in this species.

Summary: Dietary glucose improves both longevity and immunity in adult Drosophila through a mechanism independent of the intestinal microbiota.

Summary: Both leptin and IGF-I are involved in the control of mink ovarian steroid hormone release. Reproductive aging can be due to (a) reduction in basal progesterone release and (b) alterations in the response of estradiol but not of progesterone to leptin and IGF-I.

Summary: Sister kinetochores in meiosis I human oocytes are not physically fused, with the degree of separation increasing with maternal age. This may have implications for the high incidence of aneuploidy in human oocytes.

Summary: The presence and developmental trajectory of ectopic human germ cells in the adrenals and gonads during the first and second trimesters is investigated by comparing the expression dynamics of early, late and meiotic germ cell markers.

Summary: Clueless is a ribonucleoprotein that is crucial for mitochondrial function. Here we show Clueless can bind the ribosome at the mitochondrial outer membrane, suggesting it may play a role in mitochondrial co-translational import.


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