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Summary: A novel liver perfusion system was developed to study the hepatic metabolic capacity of American alligators.

Summary: Robustness to ocean acidification differs among populations of blue mussels; some are robust, some are not or may show local adaptation to changes in water chemistry. Development time also differed among populations but was unrelated to ocean acidification.

Summary: Rat embryonic protein fraction from E14th, E16th, and E19th day did not elicit adverse effects in healthy adult rats. These data suggest components of EPF could be explored for regenerative therapy.

Summary: A well-known class of transcription regulator has unexpected functions in preventing developmental errors, in this case constraining development of the Drosophila eye.

Summary: This study investigates the impact of urban noise on bird cognitive performance. Despite disrupting sleep, noise exposure did not affect cognitive performance, revealing insights into wildlife adaptation to anthropogenic noise.

Summary: The first recording of well-defined extracellular multiunit activity from the freshwater planarian brain, obtained by a straight-forward technique which promoting the planarian as a unique model organism for neuroscience research.

Summary: This study explores the multifaceted triggers of human piloerection, revealing complex autonomic and thermoregulatory responses, and challenging the view of it as a mere vestigial or emotional response.


Summary: We present a novel application of a Cellular–Potts model of collective cell migration to investigate the relative roles of cohesotaxis, tissue geometry, and cell intercalation on migration velocity of Xenopus mesendoderm.

Summary: We present a short protocol to measure swimming capacity in fish that can substantially increase throughput for complex experiments.

Summary: Optimization of adult Drosophila fat body fluorescence microscopy via modifications of tissue handling, fixation, and permeabilization steps in a whole-mount immunolabeling protocol.


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