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Summary: This Meeting Review presents conclusions from the third International Student Symposium on Animal Behaviour and Cognition (ISSABC), an international hybrid conference organised by ECRs that aimed to provide a larger, international stage for ECRs to present their research and network.

Summary: Given the growing interest in bone marrow adiposity (BMA), the International Bone Marrow Adiposity Society (BMAS) Summer School 2023 was envisioned to share advancements on BMA, and offer advice on career development to early-career investigators.


Summary: This Review explores the progress and new advances in the salamander skeletal biology field, focusing on how the limb skeleton is efficiently regenerated upon amputation or injury.


Summary: This study uses Drosophila to model the symptomatic variability in mitochondrial disease and provides mechanistic insight into the effects of weak and strong complex I deficiency in the brain.

Summary: Immunoprecipitation (IP), mass spectrometry and immunofluorescence were used to identify potential direct and indirect binding partners of phospho-KXGS motif tau/microtubule associated protein antibody.

Summary: This study demonstrates active storage cell proliferation in tardigrade post-embryonic development. Storage cells replicate in bursts during molting, especially in juveniles, and DNA replication disruption induces molting-related fatalities.

Summary: MiR-145-5p is decreased in adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) from the old donors (O-ADSCs), compared to that from young donors (Y-ADSCs). MiR-145-5p overexpression could promote O-ADSCs proliferation and migration, and further enhance their therapeutic effect for wound healing.

Summary: Eleven mRNAs were discovered to be the underlining intervention targets of UCMSCs-CM on intrauterine adhesion, which are of great significance for potential diagnosis and treatment.

Summary: Sulphur fish live in oxygen-free waters in Mexico with temperatures often higher than 35°C. They can tolerate temperatures up to 43.2°C and, at least in one species, the thermal tolerance is not affected by hypoxia.


Summary: A set of pipelines for ImageJ/Fiji that performs fast and accurate automatic nuclei counts in Drosophila imaginal discs.


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