Cover image
Cover Image
Confocal image of sciatic nerve from adult mouse from a paper by Weng et al. Immunofluorescence staining of myelin incisures by the adherens junction component, alpha-T-catenin (magenta). F-actin is stained by Phalloidin (cyan). Maximum z-projection of 65 steps (0.5 microns/step). Distance between immunostained incisure ‘bands’ is ~30-50 microns. Image licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International license.
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Latest trends in bioimaging and building a proactive network of early-career young scientists around bioimaging in Europe
Summary: This Meeting Review highlights the latest trends in bioimaging discussed at the Third Imabio YSN Conference 2022 in Lyon which was organized by and dedicated to early-career young scientists.
Actin cytoskeleton in angiogenesis
Summary: Endothelial actin structures and actin-mediated force generation coordinate the multi-step angiogenic process.
The prospect of genetically engineering natural killer cells for cancer immunotherapy
Summary: We review recent progress in natural killer (NK) cells for cancer immunotherapy, from the basics of NK cell biology to chimeric antigen receptor-transduced NK cell applications.
Sevoflurane-induced amnesia is associated with inhibition of hippocampal cell ensemble activity after learning
Summary: This research shows the effect of sevoflurane anesthesia just after learning on amnesia and that sevoflurane inhibits neuronal ensemble activity in hippocampal CA1.
shox2 is required for vestibular statoacoustic neuron development
Summary: Mutant shox2 fish display behaviors associated with vestibular deficits, show reduced number of anterior statoacoustic ganglion neurons that innervate the utricle and have altered otic cell populations defined by single cell RNA-seq.
A genome-wide CRISPR screen implicates plasma membrane asymmetry in exogenous C6-ceramide toxicity
Summary: A genome-wide CRISPR screen reveals a role for TMEM30A-regulated membrane asymmetry in governing cancer cell sensitivity to ceramide-induced cell death.
Alpha-T-catenin is expressed in peripheral nerves as a constituent of Schwann cell adherens junctions
Summary: This study assigns alpha-T-catenin to a new tissue and cell-type with implications for its growing disease linkages.
Development of an adenosquamous carcinoma histopathology – selective lung metastasis model
Summary: In vivo modelling of tumor cell lung colonization reveals NSCLC histopathology-selective metastatic capabilities.
Reevaluating the relationship between EGL-43 (EVI1) and LIN-12 (Notch) during C. elegans anchor cell invasion
Summary: Using a dual depletion approach, i.e., combining auxin-inducible degradation with RNAi, we show that LIN-12 is not required for proliferation of the C. elegans anchor cell following EGL-43 loss.
Zebrafish embryos hatch early in response to chemical and mechanical indicators of predation risk, resulting in underdeveloped swimming ability of hatchling larvae
Summary: Zebrafish embryos can hatch early if they sense chemical or mechanical indicators of predation risk, but when they hatch early they are poorly developed and more vulnerable to predators as larvae.
The extracellular matrix controls stem cell specification and crypt morphology in the developing and adult mouse gut
Summary: ECM remodelling plays a role in the maintenance of intestinal stem cells and crypt morphology during development and in the adult mouse gut.
A new software tool for computer assisted in vivo high-content analysis of transplanted fluorescent cells in intact zebrafish larvae
Summary: We present a software tool for automatic cell segmentation of fluorescent cancer cells in zebrafish larvae to determine characteristics of the cancer cell population on a single-cell basis
Biologists @ 100 - join us in Liverpool in March 2025
We are excited to invite you to a unique scientific conference, celebrating the 100-year anniversary of The Company of Biologists, and bringing together our different communities. The conference will incorporate the Spring Meetings of the BSCB and the BSDB, the JEB Symposium Sensory Perception in a Changing World and a DMM programme on antimicrobial resistance. Find out more and register to join us in March 2025 in Liverpool, UK. The deadline for abstract submission and early-bird registration is 17 January 2025.
Daniel Gorelick on Open Access and Read & Publish in Biology Open
Editor-in-Chief, Daniel Gorelick, talks about Biology Open, the importance of Open Access publishing and how The Company of Biologists’ Read & Publish initiative benefits researchers.
A new model for cephalopod neurobiology
Fabián Vergara-Ovalle and colleagues show the distribution of the nitric oxide system within the nervous system, particularly in areas associated with olfactory and visual information processing, in Octopus maya. Since these octopi can be cultured in the lab, they represent a valuable model for studying cephalopod neurobiology.
How we support early-career researchers
Biology Open, its sister journals and its not-for-profit publisher, The Company of Biologists, support early-career researchers in numerous ways, helping them grow their network and raise their profile. Find out what we can do to support you.