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Summary: Hibernation though a period of metabolic depression in common Asian toad, we found oxidative stress and augmented antioxidant defense both during hibernation and arousal from hibernation and coming down of these parameters to basal level during post arousal phase.

Summary: Application of high hydrostatic pressure on somatic cells induce changes in gene expression including upregulation in pluripotency genes.

Summary: The role of claudin-10 tight junction proteins in paracellular salt secretion across fish branchial epithelia is indicated by organ-specific responses to hyperosmotic conditions and their association with salt secreting transcellular proteins


Summary: We describe a surveillance technique enabling the detection of known and previously uncharacterized pathogens present in mosquitoes. This approach could reduce the costs of vector-borne disease monitoring and provide early warning of emerging diseases.

Summary: A musculoskeletal model of human walking reveals the consistency, timing, and magnitude of lower limb muscle forces across the stance phase.

Summary: The blastopore lip contains a cue that induces the progressive establishment of planar polarity in the neural plate in the posterior to anterior direction.

Summary: The late endosomal regulator Rab7 is required for gastrulation movements and axis elongation in Xenopus by regulating early mesoderm patterning.

Summary: The freeze tolerance mechanism of Ozobranchus jantseanus, the largest metazoan animal requiring no pretreatment that can survive in ultra-low temperature, was first studied from the perspective of morphology.


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