Background. As the demand for Octopus maya grows, sustainable farming practices become essential to prevent overexploitation. Thus, its farming development can be a sustainable alternative to traditional fishing. Understanding the digestive dynamics is essential for devising optimal dietary formulations in aquaculture, particularly the role of enzymes like cathepsins and others. Despite the progress in understanding cephalopod digestion, little is known about the specific functioning of the digestive enzymes responsible for breaking down protein substrates. This knowledge gap underscores the need for further research to ensure O. maya population sustainable management.
Methods and Results. Dietary formulations are identified for cephalopods by characterizing O. maya digestive enzymes present in the digestive gland and gastric juice. The present investigation revealed that acidic proteases showed a peak activity at higher temperatures than alkaline proteases. Inhibitors confirmed the presence of H, L, and D cathepsins. Noteworthy is a lower activation energy of alkaline enzymes compared to acidic, ones highlighting an intriguing aspect of O. maya's digestive physiology.
Conclusion. Overall, this research provides valuable insights into O. maya digestive enzyme functions representing a significant advancement in formulating diets crucial for octopus successful farming that may help to fully understand its physiology.