There was an error in Biology Open (2020) 10, bio054544 (doi:10.1242/bio.054544).
Subhash Singh was added to the author list. Hadi Hasan Choudhary, Satish Mishra, Subhash Singh and Shailja Singh have reviewed and approved this correction; we were not able to contact Malabika Chakrabarti, Deepika Kannan, or Akshay Munjal. The corrected author affiliations and contributions are shown below; both the online full text and PDF versions of the paper have been corrected.
Author contributions
Conceptualization: Sh.S., Su.S.; Methodology: Su.S., Sh.S.; Validation: M.C., D.K., A.M., S.M., Sh.S.; Formal analysis: M.C., D.K., H.H.C., S.M.; Investigation: M.C., D.K., A.M., H.H.C., S.M.; Resources: H.H.C., S.M., Sh.S.; Data curation: M.C., D.K., A.M., H.H.C.; Writing - original draft: M.C., D.K.; Writing - review & editing: M.C., D.K., A.M., Sh.S.; Visualization: M.C., D.K.; Supervision: Sh.S.; Project administration: Sh.S.; Funding acquisition: Sh.S.
Competing interests
Su.S. received consultancy fees from Consytel Life Sciences Pvt. Ltd., Hyderabad.